So now, finally, we have the False Prophet. The question remains : Who is the Beast (Antichrist).
There are several choices for the Anti-Christ... I think it will be the MAHDI, Muslim faith. Many think it Is Erdogan of Turkey, since his people are saying he is GOD, already. That claim that he is God (MAHDI) puts him in running for the False Prophet too.
As for the false prophet, I don’t think, at this point, it is the POPE. I believe he is leftist, and has serious moral problems as he concedes on things God forbid in Bible, and I can’t really say anything about his status... I am not Catholic.
There are millions of faithful, godly, Catholics, who love Jesus/God. Many in late 50s experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Notre Dame, where 3000 were Baptized in HS, at one meeting....just like day of Pentecost. Devil, and many have tried to erase that historical event as fake, yet those who experienced it know differently.
One of first great outpouring in USA took place on Azuza Street Revival in CA...led by Amee Simple McPherson, at or around 1900.
Some people are so judgmental, they need to truly understand what constitutes a Christian. It isn’t a denomination. It is those who believe in Jesus Christ, being baptized, and NOT a building or denomination. No one group has the claim to salvation. All who receive Jesus are a part of his body, no matter where they worship!
Who is Anti Christ? Who is False Prophet? When? Only God knows for sure, because as time marches on, most of the originals thought to be him/her....have fallen by wayside! Israel is the fig tree in the Bible, and she became a nation in 1948. Accordingly, “this generation shall not all pass away before all things come to pass”, and “no one knows day nor hour but Father in Heaven.” We wait!