In a group they tend to be very territorial. You are either 100% in agreement with them or you are rejected.
Just my experience.
The churches that had stronger deacons were more open and acceptable. When the deacons were merely rubber stamp servants of the minister or elder, they were very narrow.
I had a position where as an outsider I was brought in as an advisor on tax matters and clergy compensation planning with over 300 churches across the full spectrum of denominations. I also was on Bishop’s Boards evaluating financial sustainability of congregations. Thus they treated me as an insider and I treated them with respect. This included many Amish and Mennonite horse and buggy groups.
That opened the door for me to study both the doctrines and the people.
I did my original research more than 25 years ago. If things have changed over the years and the leaders and others are saying KJV is required for salvation, they are wrong and I will say so. Please let me know what you find.