Those two bombs saved the lives of Tens. Of. Millions. of Japanese.
It also saved Japan from a Civil War between Soviet-Occupied Japan and US-Occupied Japan.
No kidding Jack!
Did we ( and his unHoliness) know the Japaese had in Manchuria secretly perfected a bio warfare bomb capable of delivering millions of plague infested fleas ( their bio weapons were tested on our POWs and were field tested for effectiveness against Chinese cities and killed 250,000 people) and their plan was to use it against California? All they lacked was a long range delivery platform which they were only months from achieving
Thanks History Channel “Secrets of the Axis”
Btw does the ditzy Pope know that even God had to use mass destruction on occasion to stop great evil? Ask Noah , the Pharaoh of Egypt, and the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah