The CCC came out not long after my husband and I joined the Catholic Church. I read it cover-to-cover. I kept it as a reference, but hadn’t read it much until about 5 years ago or so, when I started reading a few paragraphs each morning as part of our family prayers. We read the whole thing and then started over, and we’re about halfway through again.
If my family members haven’t learned anything, it won’t be my fault!
Online copies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
The Compendium of the Catechism, in Q and A format:
Thank you Jesus for giving us these two men for as long as you did!
Catechisms and Confessions of Faith are a great thing to help a person get over cafeteria-style faith. I became a Presbyterian after reading the Westminster Confession and Catechisms.
I once felt the same way....until I learned that the JPII Catechism is not the same as previous Catholic Catechisms such as the Baltimore or Pius X’s Catechisms.
JPII’s “New” Catechism (as with JPII’s “New” Code of Canon Law) bases its theology on Vatican II, not on the Catholic Faith prior to Vatican II.
I also worked through a Catechism. Then I became a Communicant member of the Lutheran Church. ;-D