Why? Because nobody could possibly love a book that much? And by the way, thank you for discounting my entire spiritual journey, which I revealed to you in full sincerity. But since you're an atheist chromosome worshiper to whom all theological issues are nonexistent, what did I expect?
You don't even know traditional historical chrstianity, much less American Fundamentalist Protestantism (which, by the way, includes all those Blacks who vote for the most far Left candidate they can find in every election; did you think "fundamentalist" was an ethnic description?).
Come down to the Bible Belt sometime, "Achtung." We'll teach you the Prayer of Jabez. No European liturgical chrstian ever prays the Prayer of Jabez, I'll bet.
Down with the post-Biblical world! Put everything back the way it was three thousand years ago! Now that, my friend, is "right wing" . . . not your pathetic late nineteenth century "blood and soil" garbage.
You’re a joke and a disgrace.