I'm saying that you are making a game out of this, trying to dodge discussing your own anti-Bergoglio (thus, anti-Pope) tendencies (anti- this particular and present0day "pope" anyhow), which was what boatbums was talking about --- not about "antipopes" per se, as those have been known of in past history.
It was those tendencies of your own that boatbums was talking about -- and you bloody well know it.
She was saying that you posted "anti" Pope threads, and with that understood to mean the threads you post are quite often anti-Begoglio.
Nowhere did she call YOU an antipope, (though I could think of other fitting & descriptive names to describe the type of slithering argumentative that you display) as if you were a contender/pretender for papal throne, (oh, excuse me -- papal "chair") even if you are among the type who does comes across as if viewing themselves to be "more Catholic than the Pope".
So you’re a mind-reader also?
Or are you posting under two different screen names?
Show me where I've been dodging Bergoglio's anti-Catholic, protestant tendencies.
I'd rather think I'm pointing them out.