No I am not actually promoting anything. If I feel I have a sin that needs to be confessed, I refrain from Communion until Confession. That is me.
Whether or not this priest sinned I will not say nor will I say that man sinned. There are the Norms but their are exceptions. The Catholic Church allows Orthodox to receive communion in the Catholic Church. In extreme, extreme, extreme, situations, lets say natural or military type situation, I do believe a protestant can receive if they ask and profess a faith in the sacrament (correct me if I am wrong).
The priest was very specific, he asked them to make an act of contrition of some sort before communion and go to confession as soon as possible. Modernist or not, I don’t know. If I were the priest, maybe I do something different.
As for the man I speak of, that is the story he told me as we worked together teaching RCIA (for about 5 years together) in the early 2000’s.
Prior to Vatican II there were NO EXCEPTIONS. Non-Catholics (and, contrary to popular, post Vatican II belief, Catholics do not include the schismatic Orthodox) were NEVER allowed to receive communion until they CONVERTED.
Having said that, things did change since Vatican II so perhaps all of those who are so up in arms about Francis' latest "exceptions" should recognize that the changes/slippery slope started decades ago. Of course, that doesn't mean that any of the changes were/are consistent with true Catholic teaching. Is it any wonder that Catholics like yourself are falling for the latest heresy? Post-Vatican II Catholics are like frogs in a slow boil.
I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again: the issue isn't (just) Francis.