That's the problem. They're not seeing marriage in a "Catholic sense" and neither does Bergoglio.
ebb tide:
You are correct they have not totally, but they are showing signs of faith, the fact that maybe after 20 years in their 2nd marriage they are regularly attending mass, after not attending since maybe High School (before the marriage in college while in Graduate School that I mentioned earlier occurred) could be used to get their marriage valid.
I know of a friend of mine who had left the Church and was basically non-religious, someone who is an academic, quite smart guy. When his Mother died I believe he went to the Funeral mass and the Priest told the members their family and friends who were baptized Catholic, but had been away from the Church for years, that he would give them communion. However, if asked them if you do so, I am asking you to make an obligation before God and to yourself to go to Confession as soon as you can, etc. From that I think if I remember correctly he got his marriage sacramentally valid got real involved in the parish he and I were in and he became and excellent lay Catechist in the parish (he was a Latin and French professor at a University in the area).
So I have seen cases where the approach I outlined earlier and above have brought individuals back to full communion. Not saying it will work everytime or for everyone, but in some cases, yes.
Now will some liberal priest take Francis’ letter and use it to promote crazy stuff like woman priests, blessing same sex unions, probably so. Doesn’t mean that will become accepted as Doctrine. Have to trust Holy Spirit will protect the Church with respect to holding Doctrine Firm, even though some Priests and Bishops may go off the railroad tracks.