“Backwards” .. The Bible was not written to be read backwards. Remember, the Bible is progressive revelation; making it important to read Old Testament scriptures prior to reading scriptures in the New Testament.
I’ve searched the scriptures you stated .. in order, starting with the Old Testament record from Isaiah (which was a prophetic statement regarding how Jesus would look while hanging on the cross) .. and then following the other scriptures as they appear in the Bible.
So far, I have not found anything to support your claim of “fake”. None at all.
If you’re thinking that Jesus would have been wrapped in thin strips of cloth - making him look like a mummy - that is not how the Jewish people bury their dead (another clue - be sure you understand the customs of the people you’re investigating).
Instead, I’ve had Jewish friends explain it like this: First a cloth (soaked in herbs and spices) is laid on the platform where a casket would go. Then, the body - which has been washed and perfumed - is laid on the cloth. Then, several layers of sterile cloths are laid on top of that. And finally, the original cloth under the body is then wrapped around the body, holding the top layers in place. This would seem to show that the one sterile layer laid on Jesus after his body would have been cleaned, would be the one layer which might have collected any left-over blood or scarring of the body.
Therefore, I will still send you the scriptures I looked up, because they are from the Amplified Bible and are really clear as to their meaning.
...Therefore, I will still send you the scriptures...
How he was buried doesn’t matter in the least. That’s not important. The important thing is that he arose and death has no power over him. Enough of this.