Trumps victory is a win for the anti-communists that must be consolidated and made PERMNANENT by destroying the marxists ability to lie, cheat, and steal their way into office.
Trumps victory means nothing if the press, the propaganda organ of the CPUSA and the WASHINGTONINANS, is not intimidated into playing it straight less very bad things happen to them.
Trumps victory means nothing if the voting rolls are not purged in every state and the electoral process is standardized and made fraud proof.
Trumps victory means nothing if the “Congressional Progressive Caucus” and other marxist politicians at all levels of government are not investigated, indicted, and incarcerated.
Trumps victory means nothing if marxist agent provocateurs and “social media” platforms that use them like Twitter and Facebook are fined, arrested , and imprisoned.
Trumps victory means nothing if the military and government agencies are not purged of every single person and policy implemented by the marxists.
Trumps victory means nothing if the INTENTIONAL DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT PERPETRATED BY THE MAXISTS is not stopped and reversed.
No more business as usual, it will take ruthless aggression and no mercy on the part of the right wing to do what needs to be done to keep these communist animals hands out of our pockets and keep us safe from enemies foreign and domestic.
Its not going to happen solely through legislation and debate.
This is a GODDAMNED CIVIL WAR , and the left needs to be fought employing all means necessary to ensure our survival.