Grant us peace
May your love shine forth
The world needs to know. It would indeed truly be a miracle deserved to be rapidly spread around the world to all civilizations.
Heavenly Father, give Your children Your blessings to accept the things which cannot be changed; the courage to fight for those that can. Asking that you fill our hearts with love for our fellow man, and replace the damage done to a loving heart by that same fellow man.
We pour our cups overflowing with the many heavenly gifts You have sen fit to reveal to us and we recognize these gifts. We pray that we will learn how to better use what we have been given, to the betterment of all mankind.
We have sinned, we are mere mortals, cleanse us please.
Your name be spoken, again, for ever and ever. We join together in the Name of Jesus to praise YOU, our Lord and savior, HEAVENLY FATHER. We are on our knees in prayer to beg you see the redeemable in this country. Please, do not forsake us.