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Schönborn: No Understanding Why There is Resistance Against Pope Francis [Catholic Caucus] via Eponymous Flower ^ | September 29, 2016

Posted on 09/30/2016 9:09:54 AM PDT by ebb tide

Cardinal in prayer for peace in the cathedral: People are grateful world that Francis "exemplifies the Gospel", within the church, there are hostile - Call for "patience" for Vatican ruling on Medjugorje

Vienna ( Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has expressed shock at the resistance from Church circles against Pope Francis: "It hurts me that he faces so much hostility - within the Church. What is this? He is the successor of Peter! He's the pope!" said the Archbishop of Vienna on Tuesday in his homily during the Medjugorje prayer of peace, "Message for you" in the cathedral. Many people in the world are grateful for the witness of Pope Francis. "For his kindness and his love for the poor and the fallen. It is the gospel that he teaches us," said Schönborn. To learn that the Pope is receiving "so much resistance" from his own ranks, was completely incomprehensible to him. It is important to pray for the Pope.

Regarding the so far not carried out confirmation by the Vatican for the alleged [and heretical] Marian apparitions in Medjugorje, the Cardinal called on the faithful to be patient. You should "persevere and remain faithful in prayer and intercession," said Schönborn, and continued: "I think to myself, God knows why he is linked to Medjugorje, so patience requires of us thus our heart is willing.. " As one of the positive consequences of the events of Medjugorje, Schönborn described the emergence of numerous prayer groups around the world and also in Austria. It was particularly noteworthy that these groups since their inception in the 1980s - the Viennese Dominican Church was then a starting point - would largely continue to exist to this day, said the Archbishop of Vienna.

The Medjugorje prayer groups were the focus of this year's Peace Prayer again with around 4,000 believers who had come to St. Stephen's Cathedral. Currently I am tempted to link the dozens existing groups in Austria with each other more, explained Christian Stelzer of the prayer community "Oasis of Peace", who had organized the prayer for peace.

TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic; Moral Issues
KEYWORDS: francischurch; medjagoogoo; schonborn
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To: piusv
Jesus Christ promised to be with His Church all days even unto the end of the world. His promises are good. Outside an abortion mill in Rockford, Illinois, I have prayed the rosary with, among others, a woman Methodist minister. Do you imagine that such "inter-religious prayer" with non-Catholics was EVER validly condemned by the RCC?

There is ONE GOD. He has three manifestations or personalities: The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. If Jews believe that there is ONE GOD Who seems to conform to our concept of God the Father, I don't see the problem that you seem to see. When the white man had not yet seen North or South America, the American Indian tribes generally believed in the Great Spirit Who was an all powerful Being Who created each of them and our world and universe and all within that world and universe and that He had a system of eternal reward and punishment. Since they had access to neither the Bible nor to the Teaching Magisterium of the Church, did God create otherwise good and moral Indians to go to hell because they were born in, say, 900 AD?

When Jesus Christ promised to be with His Church all days even unto the end of the world, it does not take too much in the way of judgment to see that He was referencing His Church, not excommunicated Marcel LeFebvre's infernally defiant schismatic splinter or any other schism. John Paul I, Pope St. John Paul II (and particularly his excommunication of LeFebvre and his minions in schism) and Benedict XVI are proof of the faithfulness of Jesus Christ in His promise to His Church. John XXIII, Paul VI (except for Humanae Vitae) and Frankie are proof that God can also punish his Church for the evil in the pews.

I had very little interest in Vatican II when it was going on. I noted that its enthusiasts were the usual gang of secular humanists in the press and media and the usual gang of leftist malcontents in the pews. As with so much in the history of the Church that is regrettable, all this too shall pass away.

For your penance, read the National "Catholic" Reporter daily as I do and particularly the letters from the readers, a menagerie of queers, adulterers, admitted ex-Catholics, anti-war fanatics, Nuns on the Bus, Obozo lapdogs, Blase Cupich worshipers, wannabe members of Frankie's heathen legion who are just soooooooo disappointed that he has yet to enthrone satan fully in the tabernacle, especially since those fashionables had to SUFFER soooooooo long under JP I, Saint JP II, and B-XVI. Gosh darn it! It's THEIR turn now and Frankie has not accomplished their entire agenda in the first three hours of his infernal occupation of the papacy.

We have a LOT bigger problems than the long-ignored Vatican II.

21 posted on 10/01/2016 9:46:31 AM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society. Rack 'em, Danno!)
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To: BlackElk
If any ecclesiastic or layman shall go into the synagogue of the Jews or to the meeting-houses of the heretics to join in prayer with them, let them be deposed and deprived of communion. If any bishop or priest or deacon shall join in prayer with heretics, let him be suspended from communion. II Council of Constantinople


One must neither pray nor sing psalms with heretics, and whoever shall communicate with those who are cut off from the communion of the Church, whether clergy or layman: let him be excommunicated. Council of Carthage


No one shall pray in common with heretics and schismatics. Council of Laodicea

By the way you never responded to my question: if the popes don't know the true teachings of Vatican II, who does? It's pretty clear based upon their actions that they believe that Vatican II teaches the complete opposite of the above admonition by pre-Vatican II Magisterium.

To ignore Vatican II is to keep one's head in the sand.

22 posted on 10/01/2016 12:28:43 PM PDT by piusv (The Spirit of Christ hasn't refrained from using separated churches as means of salvation:VII heresy)
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To: piusv
I guess that means that Jesus Christ was condem,ned by the II Council of Constantinople. Who knew?

The Council of Carthage seems to have dealt effectively with the Marcel LeFebvre schismatics by excommunicating the lot of them and not just the ring leaders.

Likewise, the Council of Laodicea was no comfort to SSPXers or SSPVers or Feeneyites.

BTW, I pointed out to you the promise of Jesus Christ to be with His Church (not some perpetually aggrieved little cult of sede vacante schismatics) until the end of the world. That was your answer.

Do we have Scriptural evidence that Simon bar Jonah who became Peter was ever baptized or any apostle? Things that make you go HMMMMMM!

I was around for Pope Saint John Paul II and I was very favorably impressed. I could not name three participants in II Council of Constantinople nor in the Council of Carthage, nor in the Council of Laodicea. Nor have I any familiarity whatsoever with even one document emanating from any one of them. Somehow life goes on.

To make believe that post-Vatican II popes John Paul I, Pope Saint John Paul II, and Benedict XVI or EVEN Frankie were not popes is to be a sede vacantist rather than a Catholic. Frankie has proven to be an idiot but he is still pope until he resigns or God fires him in the traditional manner.

23 posted on 10/01/2016 12:58:03 PM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society. Rack 'em, Danno!)
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To: BlackElk
I was around for Pope Saint John Paul II and I was very favorably impressed. I could not name three participants in II Council of Constantinople nor in the Council of Carthage, nor in the Council of Laodicea. Nor have I any familiarity whatsoever with even one document emanating from any one of them. Somehow life goes on.

Well if you were impressed! To heck with that pre-Vatican II era which completely contradicts the post-Vatican II era! Ignorance truly is bliss.

24 posted on 10/01/2016 2:53:35 PM PDT by piusv (The Spirit of Christ hasn't refrained from using separated churches as means of salvation:VII heresy)
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To: piusv
Actually, to hell with the notion that Jesus Christ breaks His promises jest because some sede vacantists have their undies in a bunch over their offended tastes and have a pathetic need to distort history to find some justification for their exotic notions.

If ignorance is bliss, then that would be in your wheelhouse.

25 posted on 10/01/2016 2:57:11 PM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society. Rack 'em, Danno!)
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To: BlackElk

Meanwhile you have no explanation for why the Novus Ordo teaches a religion contrary to the Catholic Faith of 1960 years. That doesn’t mean Christ broke His promise. If the Novus Ordo religion was the same as the Catholic Faith then that would mean that Christ broke His promise. But it isn’t. The Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith is still alive and well in those who believe it and profess it.

Anyone who believes that Christ through His Church would condemn prayer with non-Catholics and then change His teaching hundreds of years later to the complete opposite are the ones who believe that Christ has broken His promise (either that or they are Modernists themselves and don’t even realize it). The subsequent, contrary teachings can NOT be Christ’s teachings because that would make Him a liar.

And I even haven’t touched upon the contrary Novus Ordo teachings on the nature of the Catholic Church (ecclesiology), false ecumenism, and religious liberty.

26 posted on 10/01/2016 3:17:43 PM PDT by piusv (The Spirit of Christ hasn't refrained from using separated churches as means of salvation:VII heresy)
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To: piusv
When Jesus Christ overturned the tables of the moneychangers at the Temple (which He referenced as His Father's house), was the Temple a Catholic Church? Or was Jesus there just to do some carpentry work? When, in His youth He was teaching the rabbis in the Temple, was it then a Catholic Church? Were all the worshipers there Catholics? Are you reading Jesus out of the Church as a Heretic? Interesting.

Also, Peter, a decidedly pre-Vatican II figure in Chrch history got grief for eating with non-Jews (presumably also non-Catholics). Does that mean that Peter, our very first pope was also excommunicated? Other than the fact that we are not told of Peter or any apostle being baptized.

Sede vacantism is NOT Catholicism. You have a problem with religious liberty? Why am I not surprised? What do you suppose true ecumenism would be?

And, oh how convenient is your claim that "The Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith is still alive and well in those who believe it and profess it." This means that the Church founded by Jesus Christ exists only among those who are sedevacantists and agree with your eccentric views.

That will give schismatics hope that, in spite of Marcel's massacre of his priestly vow of obedience, in spite of his defiant disobedience in taking upon himself the papal role of choosing and consecrating bishops of his own choosing against the direct orders of Pope St. John Paul II, despite his having been excommunicated and dying apparently quite unrepentant, old Marcel may have made it to heaven after all. Don't bet the eternal disposition of your soul on it.

27 posted on 10/01/2016 5:57:51 PM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society. Rack 'em, Danno!)
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To: BlackElk

The Catholic Church began after the Resurrection and after the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. Why am I not surprised that you don’t even know this basic teaching of the Catholic Church.

Eating vs see no distinction there...again, not surprised.

What lengths the Modernists will go to rationalize that their new religion really is the Catholic religion.

And still no explanation for the contradictions in teachings post Vatican II.....

28 posted on 10/02/2016 3:41:16 AM PDT by piusv (The Spirit of Christ hasn't refrained from using separated churches as means of salvation:VII heresy)
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To: piusv
Right, chief: The Roman Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ on Peter, hasn't had a pope since? Pope Pius XII? John XXIII? Paul VI? Maybe Benedict XVI but that doesn't jibe with the sedevacantist fantasy that Vatican II was the breaking point.

Maybe you are one of those who believes that Guissepe Cardinal Siri of Genoa was actually elected to succeed Pius XII? Would that it were so! But it isn't. He would have been a worthy successor to Pius XII.

Maybe you are actually a Vatican I sedevacantist who could not accept the idea of papal infallibility on matters of faith and morals as outlined by Vatican I. An Utrecht Confession sedevacantist posing as Catholic?

I and a tremendous number of Catholics were Catholics BEFORE, DURING and EVER SINCE Vatican II. The stubby little sedevacantist dog tail is NOT going to wag the Roman Catholic Church dog.

Or, maybe you aren't a sedevacantist after all but believe that Pope Michael who reigns from the porch of his cabin in North Dakota or Montana (I forget which) having been elected by a "conclave" of his own family, is the REAL pope?

I owe you absolutely NO EXPLANATIONS for what you hallucinate. I sincerely hope that you find or found some church that will satisfy your fantasies and leave actual Catholics alone. Despite taking the name of a distinguished pope of the era of the Council of Trent as your screen name, you have no Teaching Magsterium of you and the actual Roman Catholic Church (the one HQ'd in the Vatican) is not about to adopt your eccentricities as doctrine.

Try this one. Until the Council of Jerusalem in about 54 AD, it was believed that to be a Christian one must first be a Jew. The early Christians at Jerusalem worshiped at the Temple (not a Catholic Church). IIRC, they were expelled from Temple worship (with Jews 20-25 years AFTER the resurrection) at about the same time that Paul came to Jerusalem to press the case with Peter that Christ had also come for Gentiles and that adult Gentile men were understandably not eager to undergo circumcision to become Catholic.

Pentecost is regarded as the birth of the Church. For many years thereafter, Catholics worshiped WITH Jews at the Temple. Why am I not surprised that you are ignorant of this and many items of Church history that do not fit the sedevacantist looney tune theory of Catholicism.

How would, in your fantasy, the Roman Catholic Church get a real pope since every living cardinal was appointed by a pope that you do not recognize? Shall we allow election by the people of Rome???? Given the general licentiousness and hostility to religion prevailing in Rome 2016, That would produce a pope that would make Frankie look orthodox. St. Peter's Basilica would be turned into a gay nightclub with satanic black masses a regular feature.

Will we turn the election over to only those who are taste-offended schismatics and historical ignorami in good standing?

Don't kvetch about my not answering your silly questions when you make a point of refusing to answer questions generally. I will complain about Frankie to my heart's content and I don't have to become a schismatic to do it. No one does. All it requires is respect for the truth of this papacy. Don't kid yourself that the ranks of the sedevacantists will be significantly augmented by defections of actual Catholics from the actual Roman Catholic Church. What lengths the schismatics will go to to play make believe Catholic!

29 posted on 10/02/2016 8:13:09 AM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society. Rack 'em, Danno!)
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To: BlackElk

Meanwhile....still no explanations for the contradictions between the Vatican II religion and the Catholic Faith.

30 posted on 10/02/2016 8:21:13 AM PDT by piusv (Pray for a return to the pre-Vatican II (Catholic) Faith)
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To: piusv

Oh, and was Guiseppe Cardinal Roncali validly elected? If so, did he miraculously cease being pope when first he did something that offended your tastes or failed to do something required by your tastes? Details, please!

31 posted on 10/02/2016 8:23:32 AM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society. Rack 'em, Danno!)
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To: BlackElk

LOL...your tirade is funny.

Still no explanation for the 50+ years of non-Catholic teaching.

32 posted on 10/02/2016 8:25:28 AM PDT by piusv (Pray for a return to the pre-Vatican II (Catholic) Faith)
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To: piusv

Schismatic: Actual Catholics owe you absolutely no explanations. That having been said, I see no particular reason to waste another day volleying back and forth with your fantasies. If you want to continue being the west end of a eastbound horse, feel free.

33 posted on 10/02/2016 8:29:26 AM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society. Rack 'em, Danno!)
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To: piusv

See #33.

34 posted on 10/02/2016 8:30:03 AM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society. Rack 'em, Danno!)
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To: BlackElk; ebb tide

Your Vatican II non-Catholic religion states very clearly that Christ’s church only subsists in the Catholic Church and that Christ uses separated communities as means of salvation. You really shouldn’t judge others as schismatic. Your non-Catholic religion teaches that schismatics are part of the Church as well.

35 posted on 10/03/2016 7:23:27 AM PDT by piusv (Pray for a return to the pre-Vatican II (Catholic) Faith)
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