[[Pardon me, but the words contained in, “Faith and Deeds”, are not my words. Those words are from the book of James. Maybe James, the brother of Yeshua, is the one, as you say, who has a problem?]]
There it is right in front of your face, Paul tells us why the crown is given and it is not for works
{2 Timothy 4:8) Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
It is never about our righteousness , it is always about HIS
righteous . It is HIS righteousness that clothes us.
Why were we admonished to look for his coming ?
Because it causes a person to walk in the Spirit and not in the world. If you are walking in the Spirit you are living right , you are not doing stuff you are not suppose to be doing . You will be showing the fruits of the Spirit in your life and not the fruits of two bit whore .
But the crown of righteousness is not given for what you do but for what he has done in your life and that is why you long for his coming .
This is self-explanatory.
Certainly the unrighteous aren't going to love His appearing.
It is never about our righteousness...
For your sake, please take the time and reconsider/reexamine/study/pray on that statement more carefully.