In the Old Testament, God taught the Israelites how they were to worship him. A sacrifice was an integral part of the worship service
In the New Testament, people-Israelites and non Israelites, continued to worship God, as he taught them in the Old Testament. However, the sacrifice offered, was on the part of God and his son Jesus Christ. J
Jesus Christ is the sacrificial lamb. Jesus Christ was sacrificed for us and our salvation. Then why do people not see the need to worship God in the way that he taught people in the beginning. God loves everyone and does want everyone to know him, but yet more and more people believe that they have no responsibility in their relationship with God, other than to believe that they were saved and have to do nothing else.
There is a reason why the 7 sacraments still exist and are still used to allow for God, The Father, and The Holy Spirit to spread his Holy Grace ins us and through us. We are impure beings and God does demand that we be sure before we can live with him. This is where some question the salvation of non-Catholics.
And when catholics rely upon false promises made by an apparition claiming to be "Mary" promising they can avoid the hell fire by wearing a piece of cloth it is easy to understand by Christians question the salvation of roman catholics.
Maybe so, but when you find someone here who teaches that, please let us know.