So I guess that "traditional Catholics" believe that these men have NOT been popes.
St. John XXIII (1958-63)
Paul VI (1963-78)
John Paul I (1978)
St. John Paul II (1978-2005)
Benedict XVI (2005-2013)
Francis (2013)
If one should visit St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, right at the entrance, one would see all the names of the popes and their dates of their papacy listed. They ARE engraved in granite.
The folks THERE believe that the names after 1958 were valid popes...and that is what counts in the Catholic world...minus those "sedevacants," of course.
I'm a traditional Catholic and I do believe that those men listed after 1958 WERE true popes.
How SAD for those people. They are adrift in their faith.
We visited the Vatican some ten years ago. It was an amazing place. I was in awe.
There are STILL the Vatican police-types, but NOT cops, who make sure that visitors are dressed appropriately, no shorts, tank tops, mini-skirts, cleavage-showing, etc.
I was amazed at what people thought was appropriate dress for visiting a place of worship...and St. Peter's IS a place of worship.
They have a Mass going all the time at one of the many 20 or so altars around the Basilica. I stayed for one of them as it was so amazing.
They have OODLES of confessionals at one side apse of the Basilica as well. And they are all labeled by languages: English and Polish, for example, so that priest can hear confession in both languages. I didn't take note of ALL the languages but I don't think that too many were left out. There WAS Chinese, I remember that, both Cantonese and Mandarin.
Then there was a tour of the art pieces...statues, paintings and so on, all for us to appreciate.
Yes, "minus those sedevacants, of course" (can you all hear the condescension and condemnation?). And the OP author is whining about certain sedes calling her non-Catholic.
I could say how sad for those of you who believe that the Catholic Church with its popes could promulgate evil teachings, laws, and liturgy as is the case with Vatican II, the Code of Canon Law in 1983, and the Novus Ordo mess. Talk about being adrift in their faith.
But I won't "minus" you from the Catholic world. I see the confusion that these heretics and usurpers have spread. We are all Catholics trying to find our way through the mess. Is it any wonder that there is no unity in the Church post Vatican II??
“Traditional” is an adjective that, when applied to Catholics, could mean even those who, say, enjoy guitar Masses, yet accept and believe all basic Catholic teachings. My point is just that sedevacantists represent a miniscule percentage of Catholics who could be described as “traditional” by any measure. They are dramatically fewer in number than, say, are the Hassidic Jews who are anti-Israel who march with Palistinians in anti-Israel parades.