I have never heard of Amman, except it is the capital of Jordan. I have never heard of Seabury. Don't they make hard drives, or is that Seagate? 😀 The others? I haven't studied their teachings.
I don't have time. I am too busy conducting Bible studies for members of a different religious persuasion. We had it yesterday. It was good, because everything was translated into English for me. You should have been here. It was a beautiful thing. It was nice to see all these people enjoying their assurance of salvation. They have no intention of trying to bluff their way into Heaven. Neither do I.
Amman=Amish1693, Seabury, Episcopalian in the American colonies...You, a fallen away Catholic are conducting Bible studies......you leave the church that edited, compiled basically wrote, hand copied through the centuries, saved for mankind the Bible....and you feel qualified to conduct Bible studies???????????????See how easy it is to be a protestant!!!