Catholics bow to idols/statues of Mary.
Catholics pray to Mary while kneeling before these idols/statues.
Catholics call Mary Co-Redemtrix, Mediatrix and Advocate which is putting Mary on the same level as Christ Who the Word records is our ONLY Redeemer, Mediator and Advocate (Holy Spirit is also called Advocate).
Catholics believe apparitions claiming to be Mary have appeared and heed the advice given by these apparitions including:
wearing an article of clothing to guarantee salvation
building shrines in the apparitions honor
Catholics have given Mary titles not found in the Word including, but not limited to:
Queen of Heaven
Mother of God
Cause of our salvation
Most Holy
Most Pure
Queen of All Saints
Queen of Prophets
Queen of Apostles
Queen of Patriarchs
Refuge of Sinners
Of the known times the pope has spoken ex cathedra he has declared Mary to be Assumed into Heaven under the titles "Our Lady of Assumption" and "Queen Assumed into Heaven" though there is no evidence for this.
This is why Christians say catholics worship Mary.
But none of that is worship of Mary. It’s veneration.<p
Would you like to hazard a paragraph or two explaining the difference between veneration and adoration -— from your point of view?
This is why Christians say catholics worship Mary.
Quite a list you have there. Do you understand that Catholic Christians would look at this same list and say that we do not worship Mary?
Outward actions do not determine whether one is venerating or adoring. It is what is in the heart.
Catholics are in a better position to know what they mean by their actions than those who observe those actions. If you want to know what we mean by our actions, ask us. But don’t tell us we are worshiping Mary when we know in our hearts that we are not worshiping Mary. You cannot possibly know.
May the peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you.