The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic church, from which the Orthodox church is in schism....they have a leader but both Roman and Orthodox branches are fully Catholic. When the reunion takes place, probably fairly soon, the Pope will AGAIN be the head of all Catholics, Eastern and Western.
Oh come on now. Greek Orthodox consider the five cities as equals: Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople (Istanbul), Alexandria, and Rome. They even call the head man at Alexandria a "pope", where the term originated (it didn't originate in Rome). Are you saying that the Greek Orthodox Church is going to give up their belief in Christ being head of the Church and take up Rome's nutty popes?
Now believe it or not, I think it is possible when the AntiChrist comes it is possible that the other 4 cities will worship the pope of Rome as Christ, but this will be Satan himself and the very latter days, fulfilling Revelation, but I cant see the Greek Orthodox Church propping up ole Frank over Jesus. lol