I didn't. I became part of His body when I was born again and have not turned my back on Christ yet.
What I left was the religious organization that CLAIMS that it the one, true ,church that Christ founded.
What it claims and what Scripture teaches do not agree so I threw my lot in with the Word of God.
And to whom have you been confessing your sins?
God, as if it's any of your business. He promised that if I confessed my sins, He WOULD forgive them. I believe Him.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I find it quite amusing that protestants claim "sola scriptura", yet cherry-pick the same to their own whims.
It's quite amusing that Catholics continually take that verse out of context to support their doctrine. And taking verses out of context is what cherry picking is.
Tell me, why would God give unbridled power to send people to hell to mere men?
He would put one man's soul for eternity in the hands of a corrupted fellow human being, so that priests could blackmail people with their eternal salvation?
There's a quote I've seen recently.....*Absolute power corrupts absolutely.*
Since God Himself promised to forgive my sins if I confess them, then no man has the right or authority to retain them.
So what is the "one, true Church that Christ founded, that you've switched to?