I knew priests that were far, far left, but also openly Homosexual. They paved the way for the chaos we have now, including Christians being persecuted for following God's Word. There were never repercussions for catholic priests or nuns being leftists, anarchists, or homosexuals.
Can you explain this to me? I am sincere in my question.
Not being a Catholic— if a church is seeking broad based outreach, to increase one’s numbers and the finances, then the “acceptance” of the market segment whackos within the organization becomes a strategy.
Nevermind that the behaviours in question are ALL sins as defined under Canon law within the Church. The “big tent” to reach all sinners, so to speak, carries with it the money and the sheer number of the common, and not so common folk.
Which is why the exceptional anti-communist Popes, who lived under this totalitarianism, have/had such moving testimony for the Church. John Paul II, without a doubt, was a real threat to the Comintern. This jesuit leftie Pope is no threat at all, but rather, a tool.
And obamaumao is going to use the tool, for his ulterior agenda. There is money there in it for him and his butt buddy Soros. Evil personified. If the Pope is sainted and sentient, perhaps he will see the demons in front of him, and speak on it loudly to the world. But he is dodging the dissidents in Cuba— and that is quite telling with his own bishop of Cuba playing ball with the thugs.