"For we must all appear"
The word used when the Greek was rtranslated to Latin was rapio, in 1Thess 4:13-18 you’ll find the scene of the Rapture. I used the word snatched. The Greek word ‘harpazo’ can be translated snatched, also. If you just want to argue with someone and really have no desire to discuss, then I’m afraid it is a bit to late for this old man to remain at it. Read the passages in their entirety for best meaning. The Lord’s Spirit will either teach you or not. God authored the Bible, so He can teach it best. God chose a man of high letters, a Pharisee among Pharisees, then showed him the mysteries of the New Covenant. Some don’t want to see those mysteries even as they are openly revealed int he Bible letters to the gatherings of ekklesia.