In general, and by population, most Catholics in the USA are no longer orthodox. There is a reason for that.
A large number of Catholics are poorly catechized and real know-nothings of the faith, because the vast numbers of converts and cradle Catholics are products of public schools who have systematically dumbed down Americans since at least the 50’s. So are their catechists. The decline in teaching has followed the trend of declining public school and universities.
Public schools have been owned lock, stock and barrel by the socialist/Marxist apparatus found in The Democrat Party and Soros/Bill Gates types of influences that now have a strangle hold on curriculum, including the content and substance of thought. In urban areas, on both coasts, the populations are subjected to union teachers. The union was birthed by communist sympathizers. The Church seminaries were reportedly infiltrated with socialists/communists and gays. Russians revealed this strategy and reported its existance.
Many Catholics are so dumbed down that touchy feely Democrat issues, will trump Church teachings on any given day.
How do we know how many Catholics are dupes? I believe the answer can be found in the Catholic voting habits. They are to be pitied.
“But by the Grace of God, there go I.”
“A large number of Catholics are poorly catechized “
Two words: Baltimore Catechism.
Yes I quite agree with you, on all of it.