“....hiding their break with the Church....”, while receiving the Eucharist, claiming it’s mantle, are not examples of “lukewarmness”. The word “apostate” comes to mind, as well as “mortal” sin, not lukewarmness.
On the subject homosexual tolerance, which applies I believe as well to declarations of truth about apostasy, here’s a quote from Rorate Caeli, dealing with the pervasive Catholic tolerance for evil (my characterization).
Here it is:
” By putting the bulk of their efforts into lecturing the Catholic faithful about the need to be
“welcoming”, “respectful”, “charitable” and “kind” toward the homosexual lobby, not a few prelates play right into the homosexual playbook. It is even more heart rending that many “conservative” and “traditionalist” clerics, perhaps due to fear, are joining the band wagon by distancing themselves from “harsh” Catholics, whose “harshness” lies in using language that would have been normal for Catholics to use, until the 1960’s.”
“This is the language of a Church that refuses to fight and refuses to stand up for the Faithful. The Church will now be in the closet.”
I concur. Language is being turned on it’s head, as was proven by the Supreme Court opinions in Obamacare and homosexual “marriage”. Up is down now.
The Church is starting to show signs of participating in the destruction of language, Dogma, Doctrine and ignoring it’s duty to teach and admonish entirely. The wolves are toying with us. Some of us know it.
Personally, I’m outraged at the namby pamby responses toward this clear and present danger, the goal toward utter destruction. This goes for the apostate condition which is actually allowed to flourish with smiles and charitable tolerance INSIDE the Church, as well. We are lying when we don’t call it what it is.
Apostates are NOT “lukewarm”. They are apostate, plain and simple. We mustn’t pretend. We mustn’t participate in diluting our duty to teach, correct and admonish, in favor of the world’s use of false charity that covers up for mortal sin, refuses to fight and deceives many by burying truth.
Preach it sister.