If one ever is Born from Above, it is immediately evident that ‘self and self alone’ is a specious accusation meant to ridicule by someone who hasn’t a clue what it means to be Born from Above, into God’s family via the Holy Spirit. Keep it up, you need the exposure.
Those who follow Christ follow him carrying their cross, not skipping along doing whatever they want and it's obvious from the love of and pride in Self Protestantism breeds that the heaviest cross for people is the same one Eve refused; the cross of obedience.
Obeying His Apostles who He put in charge of His Church so that His Words would be correctly handed down to us and correctly interpreted to mean what He intended, not what anyone who listens to some spirit hanging from a nearby tree thinks is Scripture means.
The Holy Spirit seeks to reach individuals to lead them to His Church while Protestantism denies the power of and blasphemes the Holy Spirit by obeying the anti-Christ, anti-Christian, Jewish Rabbis of Jamnia rather than the Apostles with regard to the canon. Those who swallow the lies of Protestantism move further and further away from the Holy Spirit, not toward being guided from above in any way, shape, or form.
A man cannot have two masters and all of Protestantism rests on accepting the very same Pharisees Christ Himself condemned as the master of the individual rather than accepting Christ and those He granted His Authority to as their master.
have a nice day
Are you saying that you can tell who is "Born from above" and who isn't? Does this also include the ability to determine who is saved and who isn't as well?
I separated those two questions because some non-Catholics don't believe in the OSAS doctrine.