Just as I thought...The End of The Spear. Quite a movie if you haven’t seen it. Describes the relation ship that developed between the tribesman involved in the killing of the missionaries and the son of one of the other men.
United with the Lord. RIP.
One of the greatest women of God of the last century, and my fav female author....she knew the Lord deeply and was able to communicate her knowledge of Him so well - love all of her books. A live that truly glorified God in all she did.
She became a personal friend when I wrote a small book on God’s purpose for marriage some 22 years ago which she recommended highly after we corresponded about it several times.
She’s had dementia for some time, so it’s wonderful she is freed from that and has heard, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.....”
May the Lord make her glorious in His kingdom.
In about 1956, in Readers Digest, I read about the missionaries being killed by the Auca. Their deaths and the subsequent conversion & testimonies of their killers, plus the courage and dedication of Rachael Saint and Elizabeth Elliot motivated a whole generation of missionaries. 23 years later my family & I headed to the mission field. The later writings of Elizabeth Elliot have a huge impact on the spiritual growth of millions.
“Moreover we know that to those who love God, who are called according to his plan, everything that happens fits into a pattern for good. God, in his foreknowledge, chose them to bear the family likeness of his Son, that he might be the eldest of a family of many brothers. He chose them long ago; when the time came he called them, he made them righteous in his sight, and then lifted them to the splendour of life as his own sons.” Romans 8:28-30 J.B. Phillips
RIP to a wonderful woman of God.