One could wish. I haven’t seen an alternative explanation of his jag on “global warming/climate change” however which is lousy science. Not the first time the Church didn’t listen to the best science, however.
It all depends on what he DOES say, and with what level of authority.<> If,for instance, he says "Destroying people's air, water, and soil resources is wrong" --- he's right on the money. You can't be destroying other peoples' --- or future generations' ---necessities of life. God made this world for everyone, including our children. Creation-care, tending the garden, is one of the first mandates from God in Genesis.
If he says "We have to all reduce our CO2 and stop global warming" (or any other specific policy recommendation supposedly based on the physical sciences) he's simply speaking outside of his competence. I really hope he doesn't do that, because then it will be necessary for Catholics to point out that statements outside of his competence are not magisterial.