Well, certainly the Hebrew priests were married because the lineage of Levi had to continue...and it was only the lineage of Levi that could be priests. However, following the cross, the Eternal High Priesthood of Jesus removed the need for “priests” and they no longer existed after the resurrection (other than in Judaism). The sacerdotalism of Rome is another manufactured element that is unbiblical.
The term you have translated “bishop” is in the Greek, “elder” or “greybeard”. And, those caring for the gatherings were supposed to be thus equipped. There is no formal “clergy” in the New Covenant. And, Paul was not St. Paul, but “Paul” in all Scriptural references. Just as you are likely a saint TrappedBehindEnemyLines (good handle, incidentally), he was just a believer who was given a certain role.
I chose the screen name I have because I live in Los Angeles, well behind enemy lines with all of the far left wacko birds we have running the gigantic insane asylum called California.