The first horseman rides forth to conquer militarily, and we have the beginning of sorrows (birth pains) Jesus prophesied. Just the first phase of the antichrists career.
Which leads to the next, after having conquered, the antichrist takes rule over the world, the mark of the beast implemented, martyrdom ensues. Also prophesied by Jesus as the great tribulation.
Next, the wrath of God which you are so fixated upon. The wrath of God upon all who have taken the mark, and have submitted to the antichrist one world socialist government. Also prophesied by Jesus, Matt. 29-31.
A very good general outline if you ask me. Makes plenty of good prophetic sense. The rise of the antichrist, his rule and persecution, his demise...and wrath of God upon him and all who have fallen for his antichrist lies.
What Im getting at here: the wrath of God is not what the imagery of the first five seals are about, the sixth seal, yes. The first five seals preconditions that lead into the sixth.
You are intent on making the first five seals the wrath of God, perhaps it has something to do with the pretrib system that is so engrained in you? I.e., the pretrib rapture takes place, which in turn ushers in the wrath of God seen first in the seals. Not so.
which in turn ushers in the wrath of God seen first in the first seal. Not so.
You still aren't answering the question. Who gave the white horseman the crown and authority to conquer?
>>Which leads to the next, after having conquered, the antichrist takes rule over the world<<
The anti Christ doesn't begin to conquer untill 3 1/2 years into the last seven years of Daniel's prophesie. For the first 3 1/2 years it's peace. So your scenario does not fit prophsie at all.
>>perhaps it has something to do with the pretrib system that is so engrained in you?<<
LOL! Engrained in me? I grew up in an environment of post trib. Neither mid trib nor post trib can account for the last seven years due the nation of Israel.