Actually it’s centered on Jesus, whether that is in Rome or your local church down the street or even in individual believers in private homes.
(Yes...I could have sworn Jesus said...oh, yup...just confirmed in my Bible):
18 Then Jesus came to them and said,
The going, the making disciples, the teaching, the baptizing...all dependent upon the "THEREFORE"...
If Jesus doesn't have every iota of authority, there is NO "therefore"...!!!
And Jesus made it clear that it wasn't a temporary "all authority" status by emphasizing how He's with His disciples "unto the end of the age."
Those who try to usurp Christ's authority are indeed simply that: Usurpers who sabotage and undermine Christ's very authority!
(And don't give us this "delegated" authority crap...Yes, Christ "authorizes" people...and yes, people who are "authorized" by Jesus indeed derive whatever sanction He provides directly from Him...but it's NOT a "delegation" as if He's not on the scene...He's still Lord of the Living on earth as well as in heaven)