To lose your salvation (the parable of the seeds) one must lose faith in Jesus’ forgiveness and His love that is the greatest love, laying down His life for His friends. If one never loses that faith in Him, there is no loss of salvation.
That faith will keep us coming to Him to wash our feet and falling ever more so in love. Like the mutts who are adopted from the ASPCA who have smelled death all around, we know that it is only His grace that has saved us.
That faith will keep us coming to Him to wash our feet and falling ever more so in love. Like the mutts who are adopted from the ASPCA who have smelled death all around, we know that it is only His grace that has saved us.
Excellent response and depiction.
Unbelief is the culprit as you point out. And the parable of the soils is right on.
Ultimately one will either love the world and the finite things that satisfy for a season; or embrace Christ's Grace and then gladly take up their cross and follow Him.
This is from The Berean Call:
The Bible is filled with verses to the effect that the Good Shepherd will keep His sheep, that those to whom He gives eternal life shall never perish, that He who has begun a good work in us will perform it, and that even if all our works are burned up, yet the one who is in Christ is saved though as by fire. Never does the Bible say that the One who purchased my salvation has now turned it over to me to lose it if I please. That would be the utmost folly, and it is the force of the argument in Hebrews 6: that if one could be lost, it would be impossible to be saved without Christ being crucified again, in which case Christ would be made a fool of before the world for having procured salvation at such a cost and then turning it over to sinners who could never earn it and who surely cant keep it.
“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour .”
Jude 2425