Romans 3:23
All have sinned. Of course, starting with Eve’s original sin, except Our Lord.
Does Romans 3:23 somehow prove Protestantism? Not at all.
John the Baptist received sanctifying grace in the womb - God can infuse grace at any time He desires, including at or even prior to conception. Not in the bible? Wrong - Luke 1:27- 30 is the scriptural proof text for the Catholic belief.
Kecheritomene is a perfect passive Greek participle translated as: completely, perfectly, enduringly endowed with grace. A perfect participle denotes an action that has been completed.
Highly favored one is a later deliberately imprecise mistranslation.
The detailed correct translation is “full of grace which thou hast received”.
A person may choose (opinion) not to believe the Catholic translation of Luke 1:28. However, blithely ignoring the fact that the earliest (Catholic) Church fathers writing long before Luther also held Mary’s sinlessness to be true. For an example, take Theodotus of Ancyra writing in early 5th century A.D., praising the Blessed Mother as a Virgin as “included in woman’s sex but without a share in woman’s fault”. His is just one example of many that the Church has unbrokenly taught that Mary’s perpetual virginity. This means the eastern churches as well, not just “Rome”.
Even if a person chooses to ignore the scriptural doctrine contained in Luke 1:28; the problem remains:
Not Catholics aren’t scriptural but: whose interpretation of Scripture contains the Truth? Luther and has band of heretical so called reformers who came along MUCH later, or the true Church who has never deviated from her intrepretation of Luke 1:28?
The question is actually: which “opinion” on the interpretation of scripture is correct? The excerpt from the book reiterates this problem, which is actually the issue; the idea that Catholics aren’t scriptural is a straw man and misstates the thesis that ought to be addressed, which is which scriptural interpretation defines the Truth.
To conclude: Romans 3:23 is true AND does not somehow disprove Luke 1:28. Again:
God can infuse sanctifying Grace into a sinful soul at any time He desires, including the moment before conception. He is God, after all!
Right. That includes Mary.
All have sinned. Of course, starting with Eves original sin, except Our Lord.
Right. That includes Mary.
Could you show me where the asterisk is that says "*Except Jesus"? If prots want to take the Bible literally (which they only do when it is convenient), then they are stuck with calling Jesus a sinner.
Jesus was Fully God and Fully HUMAN.
Now if they are willing to make one exception, well then .....