The 24 hour day is not theory, it is echoed in numerous places in scripture, including by our Lord and Savior.
But I have an idea there are one or two other people besides me who can not see it.
But they may not have a young earth pupil to explain it to them.
I believe we should change the Bible to tell us what it means in plain words as the guy that wrote Genesis( Moses I believe) did not make it clear at all and makes me wonder if he even had any more than a vague idea.
I think you should change the sixth day to read that God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day, and it would not hurt to get them generation out of the second chapter, would that be too much to ask?
It is really confusing to us mortals.
But you say any one should be able to understand that, I didn’t, not until you explained it all to me and even still I do not see it in scripture so just have to take your word for it.
I heard some one say that God wanted every one to be saved, just think how many people are going to hell just because you will not change the Bible to what it really means.
And most people do not have a young earthling to explain all of the scripture to them to tell them exactly what it means.
[11] For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.