No, God AND Abram “agreed” to the covenant, but the only ACTION required was by God.
If Abram did not have Faith (and therefore undertook the covenant), his offspring would not become Israel.
Verse 6 “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”
This is a mystery - How can God be sovereign and Man (in this case Abram) have free will. Abram could have NOT believed the Lord.
The answer is that the two are NOT at odds — God’s foreknowledge is across time, whilst Man’s in always in just our time. Both Free Will and God’s Sovereignty are required to harmonize the scripture.
>Abram could have NOT believed the Lord.<
Yes he could have NOT believed, but he chose to. That is exactly what free will means.
Adam could have believed, but he didn’t and we got screwed.
What are you trying to say?