Make the case for another if you believe so. Gainsaying is not much of a case. There is biblical support for a chief among the Apostles, a first among equals as it were, different from the Gentile view of rulership.
Was Peter a leader in the group? Yes he was. But we also have evidence James was as well. I think Paul's leadership goes without speaking.
Peter was a leader, but not in the RCC view of a leader. The "keys of the kingdom of Heaven" the RCC claims that gives Peter the ultimate authority, and ultimately the papacy, was what?
What is the key to gaining entrance into Heaven?
Belief in Christ.
What did Peter preach in Acts 2:38-39 when the people asked what must we do to be saved?
The Gospel. That's the key. He preached it to the Jews first. Then Paul to the Gentiles.
How was he able to "forgive sins" or "retain sins"? By sharing with people that your sins are forgiven if you believe in Christ. How are sins retained? By rejecting Christ.
He proclaimed this in Acts 3:19. "Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord."
Was Peter the only one who preached the Gospel? No. Acts 8:4 tells us those scattered about went preaching the word. So this "authority" claimed by the RCC isn't just limited to Peter. Nor did he pass his "authority" to Paul nor anyone else.
Were there others who came after the Apostles? Sure there were. We also have others who were preaching the Word when the Apostles were alive as just noted in Acts 8:4.
But to assume that all authority has come from Peter and can only be found in the pope and the RCC is not biblical if one simply reads the text in their proper context.
Again...context is the key to interpreting the Bible correctly.
Well done.
Thank you.