I feel for parents who have children who have decided to become homosexuals but that does not change the fact that God calls it an abomination. Where do you draw the line for your children’s chosen behavior?
"Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
“Son, we have a couple of choices. You can follow your urges and the latest fad, in which you are likely to die a slow and painful death from AIDS, or we can follow God’s Word, in which case you can expect forgiveness and eternal life. Which do you think is a better choice?”
Makes sense to me. (poppycock!)
This is not a Christian family, this is a deeply misguided family who are distant from God.
Notice the logic here. The father looked up the condemnation of sodomy in Leviticus and noticed that the consumption of shellfish is also prohibited. He then concluded that since he felt shellfish were okay to eat, that sodomy was totally okay too.
If he had been even a foolish Christian, he would have read the passage and repented for his last meal at RedLobster. Had he been a vaguely well-versed Christian, he would have understood civil law as applicable to Ancient Israel, and the moral law which is binding on humanity until Judgement Day.
The fact that his conclusion was that same-sex activity was permissible based on shellfish shows us that this is no more a Christian than Bill Nye is a scientist.
What are the physical repercussions to living an active homosexual lifestyle?
What are the physical repercussions of eating shellfish?
Homosexuals have a shorter lifespan. There is a higher incidence of STDs, chemical abuse (to "perform" as well as to black out the painful thoughts/memories), and who knows what other contributing factors.
Those who eat shelfish are eating "bottomfeeders" that may feast on dead animals. There may be some periodic health concerns (far less health hazards than a gay lifestyle).
Why encourage such activity?
Do parents of heterosexual daughters hold up their adult offspring at family get togethers and say "well, she isn't married yet but boy howdy, she's having fun with her life sleeping around with a different partner every few weeks!"? Doesn't seem that many years ago that even unmarried (common law spouses in all but declare legal status) couples shacking up were cast a welcome (but slight disapproving glance) at family functions.
To quote a line from Simon and Garfunkel “All lies in jest till a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest”. If we approach the Word of God with to find something that justifies our position or something that seems to at least undermine the position of others then we are doing ourselves a great disservice. If on the other hand we honestly, without preconceived notions, wish to seek God and His truth I am sure you will find it within those pages!
Wow, what horrible understanding of the Word of God.
how weak are Christian parents these days. They’ll tolerate any sin committed by their children because they don’t want to hurt their feelings.
Some Christian parents will ex-communicate their grandchildren cause their adult child asks them too.
>>often-cited bad argument that both homosexuality and eating shellfish were abominations in the Old Testament
He should read on into the New Testament until he gets to Romans 1:26-28. The “Shellfish Problem” solves itself there in no uncertain terms.
I’m calling Baloney on this father and son studying scripture. If this bogus shellfish argument convinced them, they haven’t spent more than a few minutes in their Bibles.
Perhaps he should have kept reading until he got through the New Testament.
I smell a troll. An anti-Catholic troll.
They "studied" (the son supplied his father excuses) the Bible as an intellectual exercise, whereas sodomy is a spiritual problem, refusing God's purpose for and design of the body as the vessel of a soul. Jehovah has never tempered His tolerance for one's misuse of his own or another's body, because its abuse demonstrates a warped soul and spirit, which is the abomination.
This is what i would have posted if it did not require me to sign in with Facebook-we want to know all about you.
The father should be sad, as in rejecting what the Creator established and instead, justifying perverse desires which man has in different forms due the Fall, his son has chosen an iniquity that, besides other present and eternal cost, has, in 2011 accounted for 79% of 38,825 estimated HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 years and older, and 78% of infections among all newly infected men. After 30 years of trying to tame it. - http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/gender/msm/facts/index.html
There simply is no argument that will negate the Biblical injunctions against homosexual relations and find sanction for them. God made man and women uniquely compatible and complimentary, in more ways than the physical aspect, and only joined them in marriage, which Jesus Himself specified. (Gn. 2:18-24; Mt. 19:4-6) Homosexual unions are only condemned by God in the Scriptures by design and decree, in principle and in precept.
And attempts to force homosexual relations into passages it does not belong extends even to pro homosexual apologetics on the Bible, the specious nature of which as http://peacebyjesus.witnesstoday.org/Homosex_versus_the_Bible.htmlHomosexuality reveals.
However, some of the first Christians were likely former homosexuals, (1Cor. 6:9-11) and there is room at the cross for all who want the Lord Jesus over sin, and believe upon Him to save them who died for them, and rose again. And who thus are baptized and follow Him, to the glory of God.
Poor shellfish! They always seem to get dragged into discussions of the Bible and sexual behavior. Oh, and mixed fibers!