Brian, you surely must be aware of the fact that Protestant biblical interpretation allows for certain scriptural justifications for divorce. But I’ll agree that many churches are reluctant to try to assess cases, and just wave them all through. It is a pity. But please don’t imply that this is the only reason people leave Rome.
It’s not the only one. But in 2014 America it’s definitely the most common one. The local mega church admits it and laughs about it. I went to Haiti with them so I heard it first hand.
Catholics love to label people and the only thing that they can actually deal with in why someone leaves the Catholic church is that it MUST BE (in their minds) a moral issue.
It is simply beyond their comprehension that there is some lack in Catholicism that would cause people to leave, so they must rationalize it by inventing other reasons. And the issue of morality is their favorite. It allows they to feel all smug and morally superior while condemning others who don’t agree with them.
The spiritual pride is rank.