Writings as well as men of God were already established as being so long before a church of Rome would assert she is essential for that, and in the light of that wholly inspired source then the claims of Rome to that all her doctrines are of God is shown to be specious.
We strongly defend the core Truths which are, based upon their Scriptural substantiation, while also opposing the
http://peacebyjesuscom.blogspot.com/2013/03/things-new-testament-church-did-not.html that are not Scriptural, but their claim to veracity are essentially based upon the premise of the assured veracity of Rome.
And you are bound by the teaching of Humanae Vitae. As
No, I am not bound by Rome's claims, assent and devotion to which results in RCs compelling Scripture to support her, thus i can objectively examine Scripture and contend for the Truths we both concur on which are manifestly Scriptural, as well as contend against those that are not.
But I would venture that the teaching found in Humanae Vitae is too hard for you.
I would venture to say that your mind reading is highly presumptuous, and as a celibate heterosexual (due to dedication to the work of Christ, as confirmed by God), i do not believe in fornication or contraception, and grieve over divorce but esteem marriage and romantic conjugal love and affection therein, even if not for procreation, and think that if you are married you should have as many children as love and fertility with temperance will bear.
But as especially as in the years that followed Paul's "time is short" warning in 1Cor. 7:29, such will especially have trouble in the flesh, particularly as the culture and state increasingly compel all to salute the flag of Sodom.
And I would further venture that you have never read it...
As if most Catholics have, while i do not need to read 8000+ words of papal prolixity to know what it is about, and to have Scriptural views on it. And if the pope wants to communicates something Scriptural, he needs the Spirit and gift of preaching and listen to some evangelical preachers that do.
You are missing out.