Sorry! I Don’t know how to set up pics.
Dani is continuing to be a miracle. She is soon going to a hospital closer to home (yeah!) and will be there till she is off the CPAP (shouldn’t be to long).
We gave her a bottle for the first time yesterday, and she drank it all! My bride and I didn’t realize that the expectation was for her to only be able to drink about 5 cc’s, not the entire 28! Many babies in the NICU don’t drink much at all, and quite a few go home with a feeding tube as they associate things down their mouth with pain.
Her lungs are growing and healing. She has Chronic respiratory disease from being on the ventilator for so long. Dani is very active when she is awake, and likes to grab things and look at her mobile.
Looking forward to her getting closer to home, and hope that she is able to go to her home soon!
Thank you for the update. I’m so happy that she is able to bottle feed. Has she been put to the breast yet?
Something you’d have to do away from doctors’ care because they tend not to approve, just to look into, is the Weston A. Price homemade raw milk formula. It’s so rich with healthy ingredients and fats that it is arguably healthier than the breast milk from a woman with a poor diet.
There is a yahoo group filled with people who couldn’t lactate who use it.
I don’t want to get into a controversy here but some people are grateful to read up on this alternative. And some wouldn’t consider it. It’s all ok.