The corporal works of mercy are spelled out in Scripture though the specific phrase is not.
Sola Scriptura is spelled out in Scripture even though the specific phrase is not.
The verses showing it have been posted time and again for years and are rejected off hand by every Catholic who reads them. It's a total knee jerk reaction. They've been taught it's wrong by the church and they never even stop to question is. They swallow it whole without even thinking it through.
*******Sola Scriptura is spelled out in Scripture even though the specific phrase is not.*****
I am beginning to wonder if you think through what you post.
What Scripture says about Scripture is that it is the inspired Word of God and that from it one can know God, believe in Jesus and be saved.
What Scripture does not say about Scripture is that it is the only way that one can know God, believe in Jesus and be saved.
That’s pretty specific.
*****The verses showing it have been posted time and again for years and are rejected off hand by every Catholic who reads them. It’s a total knee jerk reaction. They’ve been taught it’s wrong by the church and they never even stop to question is. They swallow it whole without even thinking it through.*****
The verses showing the opposite of Sola Scriptura have been posted time and again for years and are rejected off hand by protestants in a knee jerk reaction. They’ve been taught the Church is wrong and never even stop to question it. They swallow it whole without even thinking it through.
See how this works?
It is arrogant and prideful to claim that Catholics do not think this through or are even incapable of doing such.
Considering the number of books written on just this subject by Catholics using Scripture reveals what an insidious claim it is.
Talk about knee jerk reactions!