From Amazon’s site selling Hahn’s garbage:
>>The Baptism of Jesus, The Temptation, The Transfiguration, The Triumphal Entry and The Last Supper. Only the first and last items on this list are identical to the official Luminous Mysteries and the others: Jesus Works His First Miracle, Jesus Preaches and The Transfiguration respectively replace Scott’s other items.<<
>>So be warned that you are not getting the Luminous Mysteries but an invention of Scott’s called the Evangelical Mysteries here probably because this was released prior to the Vatican definition of the Luminous Mysteries.<<
OK, so now were up to only up to 23 Mysteries of the Rosary; 15 from Our Lady and 8 from men. Maybe Kasper can round it out to 25.
I wonder how many deluded people are actually sitting around reciting the Scott Hahn mysteries. Not likely this product is a big seller.
Inventing and selling Rosary mysteries sure takes a lot of chutzpah.
And Ricca could compose the "Rainbow" mysteries, bumping the total to a multiple of three.