I say give it up and accept that you've been lied to and start looking for the real truth. Let that truth be the foundation of rock you build your faith upon going forward.
I say give it up and accept that you’ve been lied to and start looking for the real truth. Let that truth be the foundation of rock you build your faith upon going forward.
we can never give up searching for the truth. Christians should be ready always to give answers for our faith.
ok, let’s do some math:
14th of Aviv - baby is born - day one
15th of Aviv - day two
16th of Aviv - the third day
17th of Aviv - day 4
18th of Aviv - day 5
19th of Aviv - day 6
20th of Aviv - day 7
21st of Aviv - the eighth day = circumcision day
checkmate folks - on what day is the 17th day of aviv if Jesus died on the 14th of Aviv?
the fourth day!
someone’s been lied to, but it isn’t the Christian Church.