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To: one Lord one faith one baptism; Errant; Iscool; editor-surveyor; boatbums
please tell me on what day of “aviv” Yeshua was crucified, died and was buried on ( that has to be the same day and it will count as day one ), then please tell on what day of “aviv” did Yeshua rise from the dead on ( this will be the third day )

Sorry, but I wasn't around to give you your answer - But the answer you got from Errant is one with which I concur:

Yeshua died Wednesday afternoon, was buried at dusk, and arose at dusk upon the following Sabbath.

222 posted on 04/17/2014 10:42:47 PM PDT by roamer_1 (Globalism is just socialism in a business suit.)
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To: roamer_1
Yeshua died Wednesday afternoon, was buried at dusk, and arose at dusk upon the following Sabbath.

I agree. There is no other way that Jesus' OWN foretelling of his death, burial and resurrection can fit in the timeline. To insist that He died and was buried on "Good Friday" and raised early Sunday morning may sound like three days, but certainly not three days and three nights that Jesus specifically said he would be in the "heart of the earth". It is too bad that some people are so driven to defend something their church says that they throw logic AND God-revealed Scripture out the door.

224 posted on 04/17/2014 11:11:09 PM PDT by boatbums (Simul justis et peccator.)
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