errant, please re-read what i wrote.
i said i would be praying for those who reject the new covenant in his blood and still think they can be justified by keeping the law of Moses. i didn’t name anyone, if you reject the new covenant, than you will be included in my prayers.
the RM only gets involved if someone makes the post personal. my post was general in nature.
now, your saying i have no clue, that might be personal, but i am just pleased to have the conversation.
>> “i said i would be praying for those who reject the new covenant in his blood and still think they can be justified by keeping the law of Moses” <<
That is a non-existent class, except for a portion of the catholic church.
First, the covenant was RE-NEWED in his blood, the only change being the shedding of his sinless blood.
Second, there has never been anyone that had expectation of JUSTIFICATION by the law. Justification has always been foreward looking since Adam, has always been a matter of grace, through faith sufficient to endure to the end in the righteousness obtained in edification through Torah, the law of love.
This is what Peter’s, John’s and James epistles were written to tell us. Paul’s epistles also tell us this, but many get lost in his long sentences, and side explanations, and never are able to put a cogent thought together from them.
Hiding behind strawmen is something politicians and manipulators of the law/rules do. It's not what true followers of Yeshua engage in and not what he commanded us to do (i.e., "let your yeas be yes and your noes be no").