I have not yet but it is my list!
.this will be long so apologies..I understand if you don’t read it all.
I have had the best, most patient teacher we can have.
No man but our High Priest is gong to get this glory!
What I am learning is counter to the world’s thinking...
I started my study with the sign of Jonah trying to figure out three days and three nights.., literal. and I used then passion week.. and the feasts in Leviticus..
And the answer kept coming back, the Gregorian and the calculated calendars are screwing people up..we just are thinking wrong..
And jonah wasn’t literal, it was a parable! Just like our Messiah used in all His talk.
Armed with His word, a Gregorian calendar, a harmony of the gospels and a concordance, I was going to defend what His word said and believe it, whatever the consequences.
Our definition of day, week, month and year we have learned have been taught by secular humanists,not the bible.
I decided to study those in Scripture and boy has the world counterfeited all of those with our ‘understanding’of time. Scripture tells us what days are, weeks are, months are and what a year is..so does the world and we follow the world.
I saw His calendar first in the feasts.. the numbering of days within the months..I could see it unfold in the passion week. I saw it in exodus before they were in the promised land.. i saw it in that first sabbath in exodus on the 22nd day after six days of manna...
The evidence was mounting up.
Then I saw His template confirmed in Ezekiel 46:1 of :
Day one in month - new moon day- scripture tells of a day where servile work was done, but no markets were open...temple open.
Day two to day seven in month - six work days.. temple was closed.
Day eight in month- seventh day sabbath . Temple open.
Repeat till new moon.
But that would make His seventh day sabbath on the eigth day? Of the month, yes...
I saw the Sabbaths being tied to the new moons and then the feasts being tied to both with scriptures and it wasn’t tied to a Gregorian week.. and there is enough scripture to support that when one uses a concordance and looks up new moons..
I saw how Jericho, a seven day march, would not violate the Sabbath if it began on the new moon day. The book of Jasher confirmed this that the march did start on the new moon day..
No way jericho doesnt hit a man made sabbath day with a Gregorian..
I saw His month as a lunar month with the new moon being the head of each month.
I saw the 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th days of His month being the seventh day Sabbaths - and it follows if I believe what God told Ezekiel.
I saw how the moon phase in our world today is average of 29.5 days..
It made sense.. on the last sabbath of the month, the 29th day, one could go out at sunset and look for the the new moon... how awesome is that!
The next day is a new moon regardless, as the count for a month is either
29 or 30 days according to the moon ...
and that is why David knew when the new moon was when he mentioned tomorrow was a new moon in scripture. Just simple counting..
if the moon wasn’t seen, amos 8:5 tells us the markets were still closed and it caused merchants to get ansty because they couldn’t peddle their goods until the first work day.. it meant there was two moon days (that just means one month had either 29 or 30 days).
His Sabbaths this gregorian month of April 2014 fits exactly because His month began on the same day as the Gregorian month- the world calls it April fools day..it was new moon day in God’s calendar. Day one of His count..
April 14th at evening was passover. The 15th, unleveaned bread, was to be a holy convocation and sabbath. As Leviticus details and the passion week confirms.
The next one will be on the 22nd of this month, Another holy convocation and sabbath ( on another Gregorian Tuesday)
Now, the Jews will not have six work days between their 15th and 22nd sabbath holy convocations, even though scripture says so.
They will work on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday..then take another sabbath.
Then work Sunday, Monday and have another holy convocatin sabbath on Tuesday, the 22nd.
But scripture says to work six days. They will only work five and actually three before they have another ‘sabbath’, this one that is the man made one created from the Gregorian calendar, saturnsday..
They are not following Leviticus or what God said to Ezekiel.
I have no idea when they will have the feast of first fruits ceremony.. it could be the 16th (yesterday) or will they have it after their Gregorian sabbath of saturnsday, and do it Sunday?
Now as a believer, wouldn’t resurrection day be accurately celebrated on the 16th, which was yesterday?
If we believe Messiah was The Word that became flesh and dwelt among us and He fulfilled the feasts, why do most christian church ignore the feasts and their timing and choose the man made Friday-Sunday tradition?
I don’t know..first fruits in Leviticus is the day after the sabbath,and the sabbath is the 15th according to scripture.
That’s why scriture called the Messiah the first fruits- he was raised on the first day of the week during the feast of unleavened bread- and according to Leviticus and God’s calendar, that is the 16th day of the month.
Almost like the entire Christian church chooses its own celebrations and holy days when you see God’s calendar on display.
I believe He was The Word and became flesh after all.. spiritual and literal fulifllments.
Now the Jews can goof His calendar up too and have two ‘first days of the week’ in their calendar because many mix their feasts days with the gregorian calendar..
Us Christians ignore those feasts days for our own , and those days like easter are not tied to God’s feasts.. and so, do we have the messiah of Israel as our savior or have we created another savior, a substitute for the one in Scripture...
Bottom line. The Gregorian robs God of His holy convocations and Sabbaths in exchange for man’s interpretations of Sabbaths and convocations and their own holy days., and scripture says this did happen with Israel before and would happen..
A conterfeiting of time that counterfeits worship..even by those who have the written oracles, whether they believe the living oracles walked amongst us..
And even by us who believe the living oracles walked amongst us and fulfilled those feasts- but now don’t tie our celebrations to the feasts..
Traditions trump scripture. Gregorian calendar trumps God’s calendar.
And all that is what brought me to issue of the stars..
I was never a man who looked up and really contemplated the sun, moon and stars as signs for me..
I am no farmer and the world told me what day it was so I was ‘good’
But I can see how Satan can’t conterfeit the signs in the sky like he can the days, weeks, months and years and holy days.
I can see the sun plays its role. And the moon plays its role.. and now, the stars could play a much more important role too.
Some could look at the entire bible and see that the entire bible plan was written in the stars way before it was ever written on paper.
Astrology is one thing.. but the study of the stars, astronomy, that was the wise man’s professions..
They knew the signs in the heavens. They knew the constellations. They knew the equinoxes.. there were no smart phones and no wall calendars..
We today know what ‘sign ‘ we were supposedly born under and even that is wrong!
Josephus, Philo and historians noted that Passover was always held when the sun was in Aries.
Because the sun in Aries(the RAM- not insignificant) meant the equinox. I am so ignorant of the stars but I am learning..
And I can count.
The seventh constellation, if Aries is the first, is Libra or ‘the scales..
Which makes a lot of sense when we look at what the day of atonement does and in the seventh month, atonement is made in Leviticus and the scales are equaled or leveled.
Those equinoxes in the spring and fall have ‘moved’ over time due to the earth’s wobble..
Aries no longer holds the equinox in the spring and Libra no longer holds the equinox in the fall.
The equinoxes are now held in Pisces ( Two fish) and Virgo( the virgin)
Now as a believer, I can see perfectly how the ‘age’ of the ‘fishers of men’ and the ‘virgin’ bride, the church, would be an ordination that only our Heavenly Father can do !
There is now no more Lamb to be sacrificed and His scales have been leveled forever.
But, I can also see that the feasts had their ‘appointed times’ and signs in the sky.
And maybe Passover is still to be held in the first month.. and that first month isn’t just reckoned by the sun and moon, but also the stars..
and until, like in Moses’ day and our Savior’s day, the sun in Aries, the first month of the year hasn’t begun.
It means this year that passover would be in May,not April. It would mean tabernacles is held in late October/November, not September/October.
The first sign of the Ram may still be the first sign Moses was to look for in the sky.it held the equinox so they knew spring had started. Pleaisdes is playing a part too but I am no astronomer,
Where I lived it snowed on passover this year. I found that funny. Spring hasn’t sprung here yet..
Maybe the scales are still to be used for the day of atonement in the seventh month.
Maybe Virgo, is always to be the sixth month of the year.. ( still a summer month, but a later summer month now)
I have a belief that scripture in places details our messiah’s birth in the month of virgo (6th month) , when we read through the new testament and revelation - I could see now that if He was born when the sun clothed the virgun and tahe moon was under her feet, that didn’t happen in the scales constellation, but the virgin...
Lots of people place it in the scales where the feast of tabernacles ( and nowhere near December 25th) would hold the sun..
I think there is enough clues in scripture that he was just 45 days old at His first Tabernacles.. not birthed then.. that is if we go by the sun, moon and stars signs.. I may only be the only one with that belief, and that’s okay..
I am curious to study the growing and harvest seasons in Israel to see if seasons have changed and growing and harvesting is still going on in late October/November nowadays because of the ‘wobble’ of the earth.
I am no farmer and I don’t live at the same parallel anyway.. but it would be interestng to see if the seasons have changed and the wobble has ‘extended’ the harvest into later fall...
I did see something interesting about Israel. There will be a second passover next month for those who missed this one.
Funny, that will be one actually celebrated when the Sun is in Aries like it was for the ancients..
Well, even us who keep saturday or sunday sabbaths ( or used to) stumble into God’s Sabbaths some times and maybe jews all stumble into the feast times too! (Not this month with the Sabbaths on gregorian Tuesdays- that is a ‘work day in the world’s system..
Oh, His Grace and Mercy is needed more than any of us can ever know. We have no idea how deceived and lawless we have been..even honestly..
Sorry for the long post.I am amazed at what I thought I knew as a ‘given’ has been proven to be counterfeit..I see how the very elect can follow after the beast and think they are worshipping our Heavenly Father and Savior..
Satan has been at work longer than we have been here and we truly are sheep..
I am hearing His voice and it is a voice that is saying come out of that system! Even if it means no church life, different job, different Sabbaths.. different holy days and even a different english transliterated name for the Messiah, Joshua, instead of what the world sees, celebrates and worships.
I see substitute days, weeks, months, years.. substitute holy days, Sabbaths and even substitute saviors.
And it all is because I asked, seeked and knocked.. and was prepared to follow Him by faith, believing God in spite of the appearances and obeying God in spite of the consequences..
I never want to go back to the counterfeit gregorian after experiencing God’s genuine timekeeping.
and it means not being a member of any church because I don’t know if there are any denominations, pastors priests, ministers, rabbis out there willing to abandon what they ‘believe’ is true for real Truth ..
We all have accepted the premise of ‘time’ and that is from the god of this world, not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.. But His time is coming!
Have mercy on your people!
We have all inherited lies...
Again, sorry for the long post..life changed for me just two short years ago.
Who years ago this all would have been foreign gobbly gook..
And in two short years, i have been unlearning what I thought I thought I knew.. He has drawn me away from church, away from the world.. and closer to Him and His Truth.
A humbling experience!
And I will see these Rood videos in time and test them out against Scripture Truth. It is encouraging people are thinking about Him and His timekeeping..
It means people are trying to make sense of what ia gojng on in the world..
To me, the world makes complete sense because I see the world and the world system as it is: COUNTERFEIT.
When we know what genuine is, we can spot counterfeit,.
May He bless you more than He has me..
A humbling experience!
And I will see these Rood videos in time and test them out against Scripture Truth. It is encouraging people are thinking about Him and His timekeeping..
It means people are trying to make sense of what ia gojng on in the world..
To me, the world makes complete sense because I see the world and the world system as it is: COUNTERFEIT.
When we know what genuine is, we can spot counterfeit,.
May He bless you more than He has me..
That is awesome friend! Thank you for your witness! I can't wait to read your work here in its entirety. Alas, I have errands waiting for now.
We do have a lot to unlearn and much truth waiting to be discovered.
God Bless you as well. May he increase your wisdom even more and cause you to continue to share your discoveries with others.
But I can see how Satan cant conterfeit the signs in the sky like he can the days, weeks, months and years and holy days.
Excellent point!
Sorry for the long post.I am amazed at what I thought I knew as a given has been proven to be counterfeit..I see how the very elect can follow after the beast and think they are worshipping our Heavenly Father and Savior.
Please don't apologize, I enjoyed ever word! Very well done too. I completely agree with your conclusion of the counterfeit nature of things we do today>
I never want to go back to the counterfeit gregorian after experiencing Gods genuine timekeeping.
Nor I my friend. :-)
and it means not being a member of any church because I dont know if there are any denominations, pastors priests, ministers, rabbis out there willing to abandon what they believe is true for real Truth ..
I have a feeling that things are about to change and that the 'real Truth' will spread like wildfire (i.e., go viral in todays vernacular). I believe it may be what Yeshua was actually meaning when he said the world would be spread throughout the world (paraphrasing). It's all falling into place.
Again, many thanks for your post and God Bless you for sharing what you've learned!
They run about a month behind in their plots. Why, I don't know:
The link below is for the daily X and Y coordinates you can use to figure were the other plot above should be:
It's pulling back, but what has me worried is the phenomenon of a wobble always completing within a given time (14 months for earth). So, it has to speed up (accelerate) to complete a wider wobble. I'm not too sure what that means as for triggering earthquakes, or for the core.
Great post. It has become obvious to me that Satan is god of this world in ways I cannot imagine.
Here is an explanation of the 13th month by the Rood fella