If the Pope or a bishop or any other Catholic does something seen to agree with Bible, they get praised. An example would be, I believe, the woman who left her position running an abortion clinic and became Catholic. The best example to me of today’s general attitude on the RC Church is that my local Christian TV station, TCT, used to run Archbishop Sheen programs.
By contrast, while there is some of that fellowship feeling going the other way, Catholic media spends a lot of time favorably comparing itself to Protestantism. Where I live now, the local Catholuc station even has a program that devotes a program a week to Protestant calls. I constantly hear from Catholuuc radio that only the RC Church has the “fullness” of faith, and I do hear statement bordering on attacks. There was one radio program when I lived in NYS that seemed devoted to attacking Protestants. And, it can’t be forgotten, it has been widely suggested that this pope was chosen to help stop the Latino exodus to the evangelical church.
You will hear Catholics talk about the fullness of our faith but it is not an attack on protestants.
I didn’t really understand until I startef seriously reading the Apostolic Church Fathers and the Early Church Councils and Eusebius.
The history if Church is 10 miles wide and 100 miles deep.
Couldn’t read it all in 100 lifetimes, so no slam at all.
Or to create more work for the unofficial lay magisterium to explain what he said, while teaching that the pope and co. basically solve the problem of interpretation.