3 Reasons provided by Laurie: At that time, America is:
1. Destroyed
2. Declined
3. Departed
I would add another one: it is mentioned and we don’t recognize it.
Where do you think that might be?
Well, the bottom line (in terms of the Bible) is — very simply — the USA is not relevant for those events described or is not involved in those particular described events.
The USA may simply evolve to an “isolationist position” after being way too involved in everything up to now. The USA May simply tell the rest of the world to “take care of yourself” because we’re going to take care ourselves!” There are a whole lot of people who want to see that, right now.
So, it doesn’t have to be “disaster”. It’s clear from the Bible that the USA is NOT involved in a clear and singular position. What the Bible does NOT say is the “why” of the USA not being involved in a clear and singularly identifiable way.
Anything we say about that is PURE SPECULATION.
I would add another one: it is mentioned and we dont recognize it.
Check out the revelation excerpts here:
In revelation the ships are watching the “great city” burn and saying (I paraphrase), “now who is going to buy all our stuff?”.
What about Revelation 3:7-12:
7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens 8 I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lieindeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. 10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. 12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.
Consider the letter is to Philadelphia, the name of the city where the Declaration of Independence was signed, the birth of this country. While much of the Church in Europe is lost, there are still churches in America that have "kept My Word and have not denied My Name."
And what about those that say they are Jews and are not, this country is full of them.
But the most amazing verse is 3:10, "I will also keep you from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole world." While Christians are being persecuted now around the globe, we remain relatively free to worship here in the United States. Are we now in the Tribulation and is America being spared the worst of it?
Finally, note verse 11: "Behold, I am coming quickly . . ." What does 'quickly' mean? What about a country that didn't exist 300 years ago, we arrive on the scene at the end of time, so we are the only ones to whom it could be written, "I am coming quickly"
I would add, its not mentioned because the human being who wrote it down had no idea that 4 other continents even existed let alone would one day have nations upon them.
I highly suspect Australia, Antarctica, or any other nation on North or South America is mentioned.
>> “I would add another one: it is mentioned and we dont recognize it.” <<
That would be the correct answer, for those that do not understand the early prophecies in Genesis. We definitely are mentioned.
The last paragraph (of the article)?
...if so, The Force is strong in you, Skywalker.
I'm stuck in dread that we won't. That could be my own flaw.
I want to get away Fly Away [Lenny Kravitz]
Someday...maybe I could tell you about that fish that swallowed Jonah. I may have caught that one, one day. Ancient old thing, I want nothing more to do with it, for it scares me, and it's still out there, swimming around.
A spirit fish, if you will.
That sounds crazy, I know. But the prophets of old could come across as whack-jobs, too.
Swallowed by a fish? Yeah, though the NT has Christ saying whale, the fish I saw in a prophetic dream, had a vertical tail fin. Then again, the Lord made no mention of that one being the one which gobbled up Jonah, before spitting him out days later at the location Jonah was told to go to. Leaving it as guesswork on my own part that the one I was shown, could have been part of how that (the big fish story) happened, with my own arriving at that type of thinking,coming only after I perceived I'd tangled with some giant 'spirit dream' fish, in the natural, with that fish somehow overlapping the more usual natural, being something beyond or super-natural at the same time.
With the same boat and net reel --- I had raised both dead basking sharks (35ft+ for one of those) and live whales, though the larger whales raised themselves by swimming, to be more honest, before those got away (thank God!).
But I couldn't budge that one fish an inch --- and it was moving around, when I was tight over the top of it, with the cork and lead lines straight up and down, with as much hydraulic leverage as I had. At first I thought the net was just stuck on the bottom. But then after fooling with it for a while...it began to move, and when I finally was able to later retrieve the net, there was no sign in the net itself of where it would have been hung up on the bottom -- and I knew what to look for, being as I had personal relationship of sorts with every inch of that fishing gear, knowing how to recognize various indications, but I'll need admit it left no slime or "smell" either...or even additional rips where I determined it must have been. I had set that net on sandy bottom, too, and it's a place that was well enough known to me. There are no rocks or snags, right where I'd set it, of that I am certain. AND -- I SAW the net moving, beyond any type of movement which could be accounted for by wave or current interaction with the boat & net, for I was highly tuned to the observance of that type of effect, for all the day long on that boat while tending to five gangs of net, I had to pay attention to the movement and momentum of the boat itself as I hauled nets up over the stern.
Oh well, it's one of those things others need not believe, I take it. But I did catch it in a section of net and webbing which the Lord had instructed me to add to some other gillnet I was using, and this additional piece being a sort which we had not used for a couple of years, and it being different in mesh size and overall height of the rest, which puzzled me, making me wonder -- "just what does He want me to catch with this old piece of net?". It was a section of net which I'd begun my fishing career with also, and the whole shebang belonged to a church of sorts, which preached the Gospel to whoever showed up and needed a place to be.
He didn't tell me any particular location of where to set the net after I'd added it to the nets we'd otherwise been using, for I asked Him, and was told "set it [the net] where ever you want..." I admit I was puzzled, and almost a bit perplexed too, at that point. I confess also, that just getting an answer so rapidly and clearly conveyed in words, was itself somewhat shocking to me...
Still, I was like== "gee thanks. You seemed to want something...seemed to have something in mind...then tell me put it wherever I want?" "Ok...how about right outside this harbor, (in one of may favorite places)?"
Nothing but silence...no further reply. God can be kinda' cagey that way. Says what He wants to say, and nothing more.
Maybe we are the bad guys. No one ever thinks we are...but with the crew in power, we could very well be.