Unfortunately as of now it doesn’t appear that they are fighting this as they have suspended mass.
Even one of the students could do so; the administration may be under obedience and so wouldn't be able to do so.
We'll see how it turns out. But if nobody does so, I've got to ask the question: why not?
“A Visit to Fisher More College”
Interview with College President, Dr. Michael King
We operate on the motto that the parents’ 18 years of sacrifice and commitment raising their children Catholic at home should not be undone in 3 months of college. - Dr. Michael King, President, Fisher More College
“...JV: What are some of the main characteristics that make Fisher More different from other contemporary Catholic colleges?
MK: There are many, and I think one can fairly identify both major and minor differences. Among the major differences is our simple approach.
As is made clear in our mission statement, we understand our duty is to assist families and the Church in guiding souls committed to our care toward the purpose for which they were created: to know, love, and serve God. In other words, we do not consider a college or university as a divinely ordained institution like the family and the Church.
Following from this, our first priority is to provide for the continued formation of our students in the traditional Catholic Faith, centered on the Traditional Mass. We consider it our duty to provide students with an environment and a culture in which they can grow in their faith, one that is safe for them spiritually so they can have a fruitful sacramental and prayer life during this critical period of their lives. We operate on the motto that 18 years of sacrifice and commitment at home should not be undone in 3 months of college.
We are certain that this can only be accomplished by remaining faithful to the timeless, sacred traditions that have been passed down to us through the ages and have always been true source of faith, piety, and culture....”