He’s married to her forever anyway, man’s laws be damned, but he could remain separated from her and chaste, and that’s still married and not sinning.
But heck, might as well try to work it out. Adult kids are involved. It took 23 years to make this divorce, and they need to finally resolve what led to her feeling ‘what the heck, I deserve it (affair)’.
They have real problems to resolve and real hurts to acknowledge and forgive. Mother Angelica says you get humility from humiliation. They both need total humility and I’d say this great humiliation was a good start. Now they need to humiliate themselves before one another, get the real issues out, and work them through.
Yes, Christians should have encouraged this as part of their basic hope....like the pope keeps saying.
Right after this story of her infidelity broke, I heard this pastor on local talk radio basically saying there had a history of this behavior with her and I was under the impression he knew about most of them but I think the last trist must have been a doosey. He choose his words carefully on that radio show but it sure was clear she was a tramp....well, my word