This type of discussion of time makes my head hurt at all the implications, but humans do have a limit, as the Psalmists' says:
Psalm 90:12
12 So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.
To lose yourself is to find yourself. But, I think the other way is also true. People must find themselves. To have a sense of self. For this, it is useful to have a sense of time and place. Also, to have a sense of purpose. But, to join with the Almighty is to lose all limitations of time and place and to join in the pure self-fulfilling being-ness of God.
Let me tell a story. Buddha was taught to count by ones up to ten, and then by tens up to a hundred, then by hundreds up to a thousand, then by thousands up to ten-thousands, then by ten-thousands up to lakh (one hundred thousand), which he said is silent reverence. At this point, his teacher said there 26 sets of numbers higher than lakh, which for Brahma was but one second of time.
Then Buddha was taught to count by increasingly small numbers, by the fingers of his hand, then by the digits of his fingers, then by divisions of his digits, until he came to a length about that of an atom. It was at this point that Buddha understood that we are not God but neither are we nothing. We have our place. And, for Buddha, this was the beginning of enlightenment.