I think my views are evident in my discourse, in my questions.
As I said earlier, I don’t believe you can separate repentance from true confession.
Nor separate salvation from repentance, or forgiveness from confession.
So my questions follow as to how this can be done under the doctrine of OSAS.
Is it that those who are OSAS presume they will repent and confess all their future sins, or that this is not necessary?
How so? All you're doing is asking questions. It does absolutely nothing to indicate where you're coming from.
>> “Is it that those who are OSAS presume they will repent and confess all their future sins, or that this is not necessary?” <<
That is the very essence of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. One must confess the sin when it is pointed out to you, not in your own good time, because you’ll never reach that good time.
2 different meanings.
Repentance is merely changing the object of our thinking process. It is done in the mind.
Confession involves communication from us to another party.
Think of it as clearing the chamber and recharging the weapon. We sin, we jamb our spiritual weapon. We repent, we clear the chamber. We confess our sins to Him through faith in Christ, we've cycled our spiritual mechanisms to be useful again.